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The worst mistakes you can make are often the ones that seem like smart moves at the time. For pre-retirees, it’s common to try to de-risk your portfolio, or to focus on an asset class with strong performance, but these steps can end up standing in the way of a comfortable, stress-free retirement.

But the more knowledge you have, the more likely you are to sidestep these pitfalls. So we’ve put together what we’ve seen to be the most common and consequential mistakes—everything from investing too conservatively to outright scams and frauds—and our best tips for avoiding them.

This retirement guide includes:

  • Eight of the most common mistakes that can derail your retirement
  • Key takeaways and tips from our retirement specialists
  • Up-to-date insights on asset allocation, retirement lifestyle and cash flow
8 Retirement Mistakes
to Avoid

As a research-based firm helping investors make data-driven decisions, we share these financial guides with clients, partners, and those with portfolios of $500,000 or more who are looking for objective retirement insights.

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